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GitHub Actions articles

Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 Instances Get EC2 Instance public DNS name Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda Function Update Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda Function Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 Bucket Upload files to Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 Bucket using AWS CLI Upload files to Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 Bucket using shallwefootball/s3-upload-action Authentication Authenticate to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Access Key and Secret Key Authenticate to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using OIDC Docker Containers Restart remote Docker containers Error Handling Always run task even after error Getting Started Getting Started with GitHub Actions Input Pass input between workflows IP Get runner IP using curl List files List files in repository using GitHub Actions Manually run a GitHub Action Manually run a GitHub Action Output Getting Started with Output GitHub JSON output between jobs GitHub Output from curl command Passing output between jobs SCP Upload file using SCP Secrets Pass secrets between workflows Sharing Jobs (reusable code) Sharing Jobs using workflow_call and a private repository (reusable workflow) Variables Getting Started with Environment Variables